Without an effective marketing strategy, you are investing time and money with little to no return. Marketing is much more than just printing attractive brochures and advertising on television, billboards, and other traditional venues.
Strategic Marketing & Measurement
Components of Strategic Marketing
An often misunderstood, but essential, component of the aesthetic medical field is the implementation and measurement of your marketing strategies. Strategic marketing is a proactive approach that aims to broaden your patient base. An effective marketing strategy does the following:
- Integrates key points that motivate people to choose your practice and pay for services
- Targets locations, demographics, and other factors to maximize return on investment
- Capitalizes on all marketing outlets, including web, printed materials, and media
- Uses specific measurements to evaluate marketing effectiveness
- Adapts quickly to changing market environments and new opportunities
Outcome-Based Strategies
Our outcome-based approach to marketing your practice means we continually evaluate your marketing plan to determine what is working and what is not. We use relevant measures tailored to your practice, audience, and services. You receive the information you need to make informed decisions about your marketing strategy based on your patient demographics. We then work with you to re-allocate your advertising budget to mediums that are paying dividends to your practice.
The Vision Consulting Difference
Most marketing companies specialize in a creative approach to growing your business. An increase in aesthetic providers, however, has made educating and informing the patient even more important, with more information available to the market audience demand for elective procedures. With a smaller market audience, aesthetic and other elective medical practices must practice strategic marketing versus simple advertising.
That’s where Vision Consulting comes in to help you evaluate your existing marketing partnerships and shows you how your marketing dollars are actually bringing in new patients. And if necessary, helping you partner with better marketing providers, if your results are less than desirable. Our experience and expertise in today’s aesthetic medical marketplace mean we know how to help guide you to capitalize on traditional marketing outlets, ensuring you reach a majority or your target audience.